When Disaster Strikes: Minimizing the Financial Impact of Emergency Construction Work
By all indications, severe storms and weather catastrophes are becoming more frequent and more costly. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that that since 1980, 378 weather and climate-related disasters have amassed over one billion dollars in damage each. Over that same timeframe, the occurrence of billion-dollar disasters has ballooned from three per year to thirteen per year.
The truth is, natural disasters don’t wait for you to be ready. It’s only a matter of time before you’re bracing for one. And while the safety of your staff will always be your top priority, in time you’ll have to contend with affording repairs.
Download this eBook to learn about how combining savvy facilities resilience planning with a leading construction project delivery method that can help you minimize the financial impact of emergency work, so when the next billion dollar disaster heads your way, you’re as prepared as you can be.