A Patient Experience Conversation on Adaptable and Evolving Facilities
The healthcare marketplace continues its decade-long evolution to a more consumer-centric model—and while many health systems are still able to achieve a stellar patient experience, the pandemic has exposed issues and shortcomings at the most basic levels that have eroded public trust.
In this on demand webinar, Mark Kenneday, Gordian Director of Market Strategy and Development for Healthcare participates in a patient experience conversation. He discusses how facilities will adapt and evolve post-pandemic and how industry leaders can assure the public that hospitals are safe, effective locations for care.
Topics include:
- Embracing a patient-centered mindset and focusing on engaging patients and their families
- Reimagining a more flexible environment with a focus on patient triage, intake, flow and indoor air quality
- Adopting careful and thoughtful facilities design and taking a strategic “outside-in” approach that meets patients at every single touchpoint
Mark Kenneday
Director of Market Strategy and Development -- Healthcare
John Timmerman
Product Marketing Manager
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