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Job Order Contracting Basics: Benefits for Facilities Teams

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By Gordian

Over the past four decades, Job Order Contracting (JOC) has vastly improved the way construction procurement is done, enabling teams to complete projects more efficiently and cost-effectively. Advantages unique to this procurement solution — such as up front, competitively-bid pricing — have helped organizations across North America complete more than $3.8 billion in construction volume annually. 

Considering JOC for your organization as a facilities leader? Explore the core benefits of JOC for facilities teams, including how this innovative approach provides quality local contractors, saves time and helps develop a clear scope of work. 

JOC Connects Facilities Teams With Reliable, Local Contractors

As a facilities leader, you are tasked with ensuring the spaces under your watch are always safe, up-to-date and reliable. Whether you work for a K-12 school or for a healthcare facility, having the ability to quickly hire reliable contractors for construction and maintenance jobs is essential for success. Thanks to the work of these highly skilled professionals, operations at your organization can continue running smoothly, even when significant repairs or new construction is needed. 

A key element of every Job Order Contracting (JOC) program is helping connect qualified, local JOC contractors with organizations through a single-solicitation process. By opting for this project delivery method, facilities personnel can more easily provide their communities with safe and secure spaces. JOC programs are also known for helping facilities teams that are low on resources to catch up and keep up with maintenance needs and complete critical projects. This is achieved by providing facilities teams with access to readily available contractors who are motivated to take on jobs. 

“We’re able to execute a lot of these projects quickly, turn them around and be able to directly assign these projects to our stable of JOC contractors and know what we’re going to get.”

Jason Chin, Construction Contract Services, San Francisco Public Works

Access to qualified local contractors helps facilities teams maximize peak construction times when they are at their busiest. This also enables facilities leaders to deploy their in-house staff more effectively.  

Job Order Contracting Basics: Benefits for Facilities Teams 1

JOC Saves Facilities Staff Time

Gordian’s Job Order Contracting saves facilities teams time by streamlining the construction procurement process. Unlike traditional methods, JOC uses a single, competitively-awarded contract to handle multiple projects, eliminating the need for separate bid packages and lengthy solicitation processes for each job. This approach allows projects to start faster and reduces the overall time to construction by as much as 25%

“One of the great benefits of Job Order Contracting is it allows us to take on big, unique and standalone projects, and get them done without impacting my day-to-day maintenance resources.”

John Shea, Chief Executive, NYC DOE Division of School Facilities

Additionally, JOC provides immediate access to pre-qualified contractors who are ready to begin work at preset prices, further speeding up project initiation. This efficiency enables facilities teams to manage multiple projects simultaneously with fewer resources, ensuring high-quality work is completed promptly. 

“[JOC] saves staff time. We know [that] the contractors…do quality work and so the oversight that you might have on more of a low-bid project is not there because you have trusted contractors.”

Mike Smejkal, VP, Planning and Engineering, Tucson Airport Authority

Develop Clear Scopes of Work With JOC

It’s not just having access to a pool of skilled, local contractors that makes life easier for facilities teams using JOC. Gordian’s construction experts stand on the front lines of each JOC project, collaborating with contractors to develop a clear scope of work and review price proposals to deliver projects that meet customers’ needs at a fair price.  

This benefits facilities teams and the contractor alike because when the contractor performs high quality work, they are more likely to get the next job. This incentive to perform also results in safe, reliable spaces, which is exactly what facilities teams strive to provide for their communities. In the end, everyone wins.  

Gordian’s Job Order Contracting helps facilities teams improve their physical assets and manage peak construction seasons by providing a pool of qualified contractors, data-backed time savings and a Gordian team of JOC experts who act as an extension of the facilities staff. When combined, these benefits make JOC the clear choice for facilities teams and leaders across all industries. 

Find out more about how Gordian’s Job Order Contracting solutions can help your facilities team on our dedicated JOC page

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About Gordian

Gordian is the leading provider of Building Intelligence™ Solutions, delivering unrivaled insights, robust technology and expert services to fuel customers’ success through all phases of the building lifecycle. Gordian created Job Order Contracting (JOC) and the industry-standard RSMeans Data. We empower organizations to optimize capital investments, improve project performance and minimize long-term operating expenses.

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