5 Job Order Contracting Myths and Facts
Uncover the truth behind common Job Order Contracting myths and learn how JOC has been proven to reduce time and lower costs in the construction procurement process.
Uncover the truth behind common Job Order Contracting myths and learn how JOC has been proven to reduce time and lower costs in the construction procurement process.
Even contractors familiar with the Job Order Contracting (JOC) process may need a refresher on calculating and applying a competitive JOC coefficient.
For every 100 pounds of construction material brought to the site, 30 of it will be wasted. This creates enormous pressure to recycle, reuse and repurpose wherever possible. Here are eight sustainable construction techniques to help you reduce waste in your building processes.
Selecting the right green construction materials can be difficult. It’s hard to know which ones truly follow sustainable practices from their raw state to the supply shelf. As you consider materials, examine the process required to get to that end-state material along these five parameters.
Before your next Job Order Contracting project, read this for proven and practical advice for conducting a thorough Joint Scope Meeting.
Job Order Contracting (JOC) has been helping streamline construction project delivery for decades. And like any formalized process, JOC has its own terminology. We put together a list of terms to know during JOC program implementation and project execution.
Here are five tips for building a defendable Price Proposal; one that stands up to audits, eliminates confusion and lays out the project to expedite those next steps.
Contractors submit accurate and competitive bid prices, but the bid must also be responsive and the bidder must be responsible.
To run a successful Job Order Contracting (JOC) program the facility owner, the JOC contractor and the JOC technical expert must be in alignment.
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