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Integrated Facilities Plan

A traditional facilities condition assessment is generally successful in compiling a list of building and system deficiencies.  However, the job of creating a credible capital plan does not stop there. Sightlines Integrated Facilities Planning services go beyond this typical assessment by reconciling project needs with institutional mission and financial capacity. There will always be more project needs than money. Gordian works with each IFP institution to not only pick the right projects, but sequence them in the most effective manner, and select the inevitable deferrals in a way that does not sacrifice program.
Sightlines Integrating Facilities Planning services will:

  • Develop a comprehensive list of facilities deficiencies,
  • Include cost estimates for repair or replacement
  • Make recommendations to sustain a building at a specific FCI value,
  • Prioritize projects from by system to avoid future system failures.

 Beyond this traditional scope of work, the IFP will assist the institution in:

  • Incorporating modernization, alternation, and new space needs,
  • Recommending plans to remediate deficiencies,
  • Developing an attainable investment plan that ties to mission and capacity,
  • Providing data in a format that can be uploaded to a school’s CMMS system
  • Performing a renewal and update after a year to track progress towards developed goals.
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