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Capital Renewal – Facilities Reinvestment & Renewal Model (FRRM)

Identifying the correct backlog of need and allocating capital is critical to the long-term success of your campus or university system.  Without the data to make informed long-term strategic decisions, the risk and reactive nature of your facility operations will significantly increase.

Through our Facilities Reinvestment & Renewal Model (FRRM), you can identify the backlog of need and future life cycle requirements.  This predictive model provides the data to establish funding requirements at the building-level and highlights upcoming building-system failures throughout a campus or university system.

The Process

No one knows your buildings better than you; therefore, we work together with you to understand the replacement costs, life cycle timeframes, and the current condition of your facilities.  We then set up the FRRM and input the data to generate your future life cycle costs and the current backlog of need.

This creates a starting point for appropriately allocating capital investments throughout your campus or university system.  Over 200 campuses including seven state systems throughout the country utilize this process.

The Benefits

  • A tool that monitors your progress over time and identifies current capital needs
  • Online reporting capability that provides you with data to manage facility risk
  • Life cycle model that predicts future capital needs
  • Reporting that provides perspective on:
    • 10 year capital planning needs
    • Detailed sub-system analysis within each building
    • An easy method that updates building conditions each year on our website
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