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Sightlines Introduces Integrated Facilities Program for Small Campuses

Guilford, Conn.Sightlines, a Gordian company and leader in facilities planning, benchmarking and analysis for higher education institutions, announced today its addition of the Integrated Facilities Program to support small colleges and universities with comprehensive facilities intelligence.

While most higher education institutions have similar challenges around aging facilities and/or limited funding, research shows small campuses are also facing stagnant enrollments, falling capital investments and increasing operating costs. For smaller colleges and universities with fewer available resources, the effects of these challenges can be much greater.

Designed specifically for campuses under one million gross square feet (GSF), Sightlines’ Integrated Facilities Program unites discussions around space, capital and operations needs with dynamic data, analytical tools, benchmarking context and ongoing strategic support. This approach helps campuses identify tactical opportunities to better align facilities investments with institutional mission.

“We partner with institutions of all sizes across the nation, and while they all face challenges around space management, deferred maintenance and funding, those with fewer resources have a much smaller margin of error,” said Mark Schiff, president of Sightlines, a Gordian company. “We’ve developed our Integrated Facilities Program to specifically help campuses under one million GSF better align facilities initiatives with strategic priorities.”

The Integrated Facilities Program helps small campuses maximize resources with a 360 degree view of facilities needs and opportunities by delivering:

  • an integrated, objective view of campus facilities performance and conditions
  • optimization of campus space coupled with an understanding of how the space profile impacts capital and operations
  • strategic prioritization of capital investments to maximize limited funding or make a strong case for additional funding
  • increased collaboration among key campus stakeholders, including facilities personnel, administrative and teaching staff

By tapping into strategic resources based on a data-driven view of facilities performance, campus leaders can drive targeted action plans and enable ongoing tactical support for improvement initiatives. To discover how the Integrated Facilities Program provides comprehensive facilities intelligence, click here.

About Sightlines, a Gordian Company

Founded in 2000, Sightlines, a Gordian company, gives colleges and universities the independent data and perspective they need to make critical decisions about their most valuable assets – their facilities. Sightlines stewards the industry’s most extensive verified database, allowing more than 450 institutions across the U.S. and Canada to benchmark an institution’s facilities against universities and colleges across the nation. Sightlines’ flagship offering for members is ROPA+, a fully integrated solution for facilities intelligence that leads members through a comprehensive process of facilities benchmarking and analysis. Other Sightlines solutions provide higher ed executives with insights to assist with capital planning, space management and campus sustainability initiatives. For more information, please call 203.682.4952, go to http://www.sightlines.com or email [email protected].

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